Cost Transfers
In order to ensure the proper management of funds and that all costs are appropriately reflected on sponsored projects, sometimes a cost transfer is needed to correct or accurately reflect the expenditure. A cost transfer is the reassignment or transfer of charges between funding sources, whether they be sponsored or non-sponsored sources of funding. The expenditures can be payroll or non-payroll in nature.
The Office of Institutional Research provides instructions on the compliance requirements for instructional appointments, reviewing sponsored project commitments, and training guides.
Effort Reporting
FACET (Faculty Assignments, Commitments & Effort Certification Tracking) is Florida State University's official employee activity reporting system.
REDCap is a secure, web-based application that facilitates data collection for research and operational purposes.
Internal Subproject Requirements
When another FSU department will serve as a subcontractor for an award it is handled via an internal subproject. Additionally, there are times where it is necessary to allocate some award funds to a co-PI for spending authority, which is also handled via an internal subproject.
Project Setup
Guidance on the procedure for project set up.